Sunday, December 20, 2015

Five Reasons not to bring a new puppy home for Christmas!

Everyone wants to believe that the holidays are a magical time for sharing and joy. But the truth is that during the holidays, common sense should not go out the window. It’s wonderful to share experiences and spend time with your family. And small surprises are always lots of fun.

But if you are going to do it right, bringing home a new puppy is tantamount to bringing home a baby. And the frenetic pace of the holiday season isn’t always the best time to bring a new dog into the family.

 Here are some reasons why it’s not a good idea to surprise the family with a new puppy on Christmas Day:


1)      You need time to Research the Breed. You may have always wanted to own a cute little Dalmatian puppy, just like the ones from the movie 101 Dalmations. But did you know that many Dalmatians are born deaf? They are also extremely high-energy dogs, part of the working dog group, and require patience and time to train. For example, did you know that many German Shepherds are born with some form of hip dysplasia, and poodles and other small breeds must be groomed regularly?  Know the breed!


2)      Plan to spend time with your new pet. A new puppy is adorable, but also requires a new routine that includes house training and learning the house rules. If you are a frenetic household full of outdoors people, you don’t want a dog that is fearful or one that may be easily spooked. Again, research the breed, and know that if you love to go on vacations, you will have to plan accordingly. Do you have a pet-sitter lined up? Or are you going to change your routine to include your new pet? If not, then you may want to re-think the whole thing.


3)      Confusion & Chaos: Holidays naturally bring some spontaneity and family time with group activities that leave you exhausted.  Perhaps too exhausted to worry about taking out the new puppy at least 5-6 times during the evening.  And if your new puppy is introduced to a chaotic household, it’s much harder to establish a routine for house-training and leash training. The worst scenarios involve a small puppy getting sick after eating rich foods or discarded wrappings during the chaos of a holiday get-together.


4)      The Holiday Syndrome: That’s when the cute little tiny ball of fur you saw under the tree turns into a 100 pound Monster within a few months! Again, research the breed! If you are a sports-enthusiast, and love to hike or bike or run and want to bring along your dog, a large breed that loves to run would be a good choice. If you are a couch potato and don’t want to be saddled with a high-energy dog after spending 8-10 hours at work daily, don’t get a Sporting breed dog like an Irish Setter or a Labrador Retriever. Too many times shelters and animal rescue groups see full grown adult dogs being turned in because busy families cannot cope with the long-term responsibilities that come with dog ownership.


5)      Holidays are for Family: Holidays are meant for humans to be together. Little puppies don’t easily understand what is going on, and the bright lights and noise are not always the best time to introduce a young dog into your family. If you want to get a dog at Christmas, plan accordingly. An alternative suggestion would be to give your loved ones a picture of a puppy with a gift certificate from a responsible breeder who will then help you to understand the breed and also bring first-hand knowledge when introducing the new puppy into your family.

In the long run, be aware that adopting a puppy or any dog is a life-time commitment. Be prepared and know that the joy and love that the animal can bring to your life also requires time and sacrifice on your part. Most animals have some “learning curve” where they will learn about you and your family’s habits as you learn about their own unique personalities and traits. If you plan wisely and do your homework, you will be rewarded ten-fold with the love and companionship of your new friend for life!